Works Performed by Leonardo Jorge in Spatial Structures

Budget, Executive Project, CNC Programming, Production Lists, Assembly Maps,
Standardization of Method, Execution, Supervision, Software Development...

Internacional Airport Salgado Filho, Porto Alegre - RS \ Brazil

Showroom Tramontina, Carlos Barbosa - RS \ Brazil

Entrance Building Antares, Porto Alegre - RS \ Brazil

Sunroom Building Quebec, Porto Alegre - RS \ Brazil

Sunroom School Marista - Santa Maria - RS \ Brazil

Sunroom School Sagrado Coração de Jesus - Florianópolis - SC \ Brazil

Building Les Halles - Porto Alegre - RS \ Brazil

Stand Perfil S.A. Construsul Fair - Novo Hamburgo - RS \ Brazil

Malwee, Jaraguá do Sul - SC (polished stainless steel, each bar a different length) \ Brazil

Malwee, detail of one better image of Structure similar per Continued by an Engineer, in time
Without Participation by Leonardo Jorge in the Company (detail of Structure in polished
stainless steel)

Atlântico Shopping - Balneáreo Camboriú - SC \ Brazil

Clinical Center Mãe de Deus - Porto Alegre - RS \ Brazil


Brief Part of Details Executive Project of Internacional Airport Salgado Filho, Porto Alegre - RS \ Brazil


Project of some Spatial Structures Budgeted














Creation of the Pointer, Viabling the second Spherical Structural Node / Rendering

Rendering of the first Spherical Structural Node


       One of the greatest services of Leonardo Jorge for your Father Company, Mr. Peronne dos Reis Jorge, was the creation of two Custom-Made Softwares, Complementary, by Organization and Flow Designed by Leonardo, which of simple lines in 3D performed calculations which resulted in Lists of Production, Quantitative of Materials, Lists of Cut of Pipes, CNC Programming for Drilling of Spheres, Map of Assembly of Bars, Map of Assembly of Spheres, service that cost more than a month of service of manual work as an example one Side closing block of the Zenital Central of Salgado Filho International Airport, with a uniform radial part and another continued to be plane, it is done immediately in Calculations and Lists with speeds dependent on the processing power of the Hardware.

       By partnering for the realization of this software, more of 90% by work was saved, with certainty of precision of calculations and guaranteed results, even for differences of "Z" axis. Perfect softwares also for Budgets.

       Being able to make any Geometric Shape adapted for Spherical Node Spatial Structure, and with few changes for Realization of Any Type of Structure, including Cutting and Organization for Union of Complex Faces, in any Material, elevating Freedom of Creation in Architecture: per this Two Softwares

       To complement the Quality Of This Highly Efficient And Practical Service For Direct Manufacturing, they are not just about Spherical Node of Spatial Structures which may be valid for this quoted software experience, but Manufacture of Any Complex Object, in Any Complex Three-Dimensional Geometric Shape; composed of Several Component Elements; Mechanical, Hydraulic, Electrical, Electronic, Aerodynamic, Ergonomic, etc... as well as Products: Automobiles, Aircraft (Conventional or New Technology), Boats, Ships, Houses, Buildings, Hot Air Balloons and Ships to Earth or Outer Space, that incorporate Dimensioned Parts for Proper Propulsion, through Fixed, Static or Dynamic references by Engineering, in Dimensioned Details according to specifications of each technical area according to best experience references for tolerances and resistances, for harmony of the unity of Forms with their Functions, in addition to Architecture and Urbanism in Organized Technical Dimensioning.

       Think about Any Product which has a Concept and Demand, Get in Contact to know more about why a Software Architect is really successful if you have for this Service one Excellent and Well Prepared: Architect & Urbanist ( )... Quality and higher value of Wealth: if Built by Simplicity Resulting from Custom-made Software...


       Unfortunately, all this Work of Attention, Dedication and Effort, the strengthening which practically made a Designer almost unnecessary, was neglected and undervalued for the loss of Mr. Peronne's Company, called the " Sphere System ", resulting in the payment of high amounts to Engineering Companies that did not have Specific Technology, but adapted and improvised, in greater work and costs than necessary previously accomplished with Great Perfection..

Even before starting at College, I was close advising, because as a rectangle to do, but the stubbornness of Mr. Peronnne; he said he would 45 ° the Drilling of Spheres for the Nodes of the Structure and that he would adjust on the work, I explained, said about why the difference of angles, but there was this Mr. and he tried what he didn't know, then he had to do it all over again, in another case a Curved Panel, inspected it would make it work if all the pieces were uniform, I said about the broken measures, made the whole Panel that obviously stayed straight and had to dismantle to do it again, and so he would without ceasing the faults and arrogance; he used Budget Lists for Final Work Cutting, Previously Concreted Anchorage and did not apply adequately without proper measurement resulting in crooked Structure, as well as all the bad feeling of Uncontrolled Manias. So that the person Responsible for the Effective Operation Technical this Company is Leonardo Jorge, from the beginning, after I left in limits; the Company not go very far, and run for the wrong way.

       Moving Away; I Honor My Family For The Truth, Never For The Lie, and still containing Branches Of The Family That Remain, I quote; Matthew 10:1-42. Each person has a level of evolution, if move on when they are confirmed: Lies, Cowardice and Dishonesty, of whoever it is, because Morals And Ethics Are The Basis For Coexistence (as the situations are not about software, and if it wasn't something very serious and continued by excuses and justifications without any reason or sense; it wouldn't even be a reason to quote, but I leave this quote for regret about Extreme Disrespect Of Superb). Summing up: after this Mr. To despise a Family Member, after this one has Invested to Participate In A Business, then when through another contact this Mr. in earning money, which didn't last, I said about the Real Moral should have to value such an investment of the Family, He got out of control and said over the phone: him would make me leave my Mother's house in time, putting me against a Brother who Betrayed me, putting me against my Mother, bringing delays and more out of control of Lies That Harmed Me And Still Harm Me. The Most Serious Happened Shortly After My Graduation, When Him Know And Got Ahead Of Destroying My Business When I Was Starting With A Swiss Company (Having Already Received A "Non Disclosure Agreement"), Among Many Other Bad Actions Which I'd Rather Not Comment... Unfortunate For Him And For All. And when questioned about the facts, he said that his father had been very mean to him and other things that he didn't know because he never asked, qualifying him as a stupid person, because he repeated bad things without measuring consequences. These two branches cut from my family, father and brother, owe me a lot, because they did not repent and would do worse, they do not have and will not have the slightest confidence for anything, even if they regret it. Even so, I forgave, "forgiveness being the Axis of the Universe", but that makes no difference for the continuity of History, with integrity confirmed at the greatest possible distance.

       Good example in Biography the life of Saint Francis, different from my reality of condition and objectives: but important for reference of Truth in Courage that as a result of idiotic rigidity or badness, chooses a different reality and coherent with the Nature Of Goodness.